(reprinted with permission from the author, i.e. a much younger me)
I despise trends in society towards casualness
ways to be that tend towards the easy and least resistant
instead I flee towards the wilderness
or just some place like the Feather River Canyon
a place in my head
that isn’t all worn and decrepit and weary with time
but that is too
at the same time
something like that
I have a hard time with going along
fitting in with the nonsense and noise that most people call their lives
or that is the world to them
a place that is not a place at all
like joining the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in 1999
just an idea of something that is not even that anymore
I don’t always eat when I’m hungry
I drink even when I’m not dry
but songs are prayers in a way
that is not always apparent
to any of the parties involved
I smile at people walking by me on the sidewalk
sometimes they even smile back
time is a nowhere that
we are all
being led towards and away from
at once
not at all too
I have a hard time with sunshine
I often hate the wind
sneezing is as perennial as the grass
when the blooms are doomed
to fall and disappear from the start
there is everything and nothing to be done
what we have are degrees of things
not this
or that
just levels or ways of comprehending
that make idiots
out of the most fortunate among us
and a genius of the moon