there’s a fat lady who stares in my window with jellybean eyes
while I sit shirtless and type through the chow mein of my afternoons
she plods along out there like an elephant on a smoke break
same time every day
and I trace the generous swath that is her shape with my nose like a compass on the air
while eying her too through the guts of a thousand long-dead bugs
the circumference of her girth is the bloated geometry of the sated boar
her dress a movie curtain’s double
and her misery just a horse’s answer to a river
there is nothing to do but wait
I here with my cold coffee and these misfiring typebars
that become stuck and smudge the paper with unrecognizable symbols
scrambled things resembling grenades and Pulitzer prize medals
and she out there
waddling by on the sidewalk
glancing up at me
wondering why I am typing naked at my window
though I am not
(to her it is possible
as my bottom half is hid beneath the rampart of a desk)
the music from the radio spills and crests
and my fingers dance
making their own dumb music
not unlike a monkey lip trilling through a badly dented trumpet
and the wind stirs like something with a hair up its ass
and the fat lady clomps her way by
possibly wondering about me
up here
this crazed typing naked thing with wild bushy hair and a deranged look on his mug
an ugly mistake burrowing rudderless in the horizon of her gaze
just as I wonder about her out there
she does not wonder
she might just be out for a stroll
and maybe she can’t even see me here
trotting along too
in my own way
rippling the surface of oblivion with beer cans
though sometimes
late at night
between hustling bougainvilleas down the boulevards of remorse
and nosing through the remnants of leftovers in the fridge
a little dancing too