Thursday, February 19, 2009

Made For TV Movie (Part III)

(a short advertisement)

We’ve got padlocks and booby traps and bow-legged ballerinas and cupcakes and bullhorns and masquerades and chasers and last place finishers and brown outs and grand old dilapidated mansions and crows and ewers and retreating armies and lockjaw and rose petals and Esperanto and closed umbrellas and graveyards and cops and creature comforts and Big League Chew and compromises and Lois Lane and movie popcorn and relay teams and bereavement and copouts and mutual exclusiveness and upbringing and wanted dead or alive and curses and clubs and crowbars and cowcatchers and God All Mighty and complaints and muster and musicals and folk lore and urbanity and cats who talk and cover bands. And everything must go.

...and now back to our feature presentation

the cue card reads, “Ra Ra Ra!”
the umbrellas dance in the sun
nothing changes
time goes by

the cue card reads, “Say the name ‘Phillip’ over and over again until your mind goes numb and then just react.”
the people make small talk
nothing changes
time goes by

the cue card reads, “Queue up.”
the horses plead the fifth
nothing changes
time goes by

the cue card reads, “Less is more than more than a little.”
the dogcatchers go for a swim
nothing changes
time goes by

the cue card reads, “Impersonate a James Dean impersonator while doing a James Dean impersonation.”
the dancers swoon and glance skyward
nothing changes
times goes by

the cue card reads, “Laugh more. Lie less.”
the beer-drinking clowns lose their smiles
nothing changes
times goes by

the cue card reads, “When you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go.”
the bathrooms and cemeteries are full
nothing changes
time goes by

the cue card reads, “X and Y were the best of friends until Z came along with an IOU.”
the curtains rise
nothing changes

the cue card reads, “Do something useful: nothing.”
the meadowlarks sing

the cue card reads, “Cue the mood music and the spotlight for a grand finale.”

the cue card reads, “The End.”