Wednesday, January 25, 2012

medgar evers tinkered to chance

O’er their shins to dig back, so who wouldn’t? Here commandeering (hear’all) thee bestered criminals. Blames that work backlong or shirtless. Westered or lee entropic or you’s do-nothings. Vest, give it down, and this hack’s stance writes less ordered. Pleased we were luckpast and stowed pawning empty goryeyed. Glimmer &, chucked, we cough softer. Crime’s color burnt, crossways, empty(a to-be-seen) guilty’s knowing. U’s S’er-inding’s’ed in A, of course. Natural&only. Depart Chaucering. Lim e’er a cancan. Be bad. Poled pilgrims underdoing shats of ere years gone loonier than winy. Love’s my spoke soft’a’lee, this’a’that, hawkortalk, o’ed to pleases, also yesed for a close’s debate bout too’s morrow--still, repair. Rest a reason to lose light’s day. Nosoul’s a or m. U’s’A’d, believin’ all’s not ill. Boos howl more boos. Vats of it. Totaled & rowed & roar’t’s honeypie’d. Righty sirs. Left at it, gitted to prowl us for use, & we/us have at bullets, & backed by gov’s guns, gritty to sunbaked. Concrete’s’a mess. Busted. Vanish, to be, lurked after, the trailings of roses at deadpetal endings, thy’s selves. Pleading crass-loined, charged ex-temper(full) & igneous, lowered up, pincerbound, down as well. We’ve a few. That’s’a plenty. Me’d here, that’s’a like paperbagging gold, if they/you will. Glad or better to not comeclose to knowing. Stirred lest we shake awake to doorpoundingdowns. Mud’s slurring volumes, wellfed to ground, and kingly ‘tis lower-- foundout-- airy&dense. Coffee’d o’er ramparts & whatnot, too, alive as we were (you’d to slimy troughs) dotting thoughts, too, with an out to clank closed, by&by, done it to who, who’d to being done.

Oh, well, jim’s cricknecked, again crowed & against foremostly. Exclaimed o’er nobody’s where. Swapped smiles. & then, well we did, ‘tis a right-whistled pity, p’ing-oned, likely collides with a yet. Vanity’s a sure’s shame. Lower sour nottoswing charioted, ‘cause no’s no king. Passered to a bye’s badly mouthed good. My show’s just to place, coffinnails to fingertaps, casketed clean away. Buried body sans soul, lumps, originally memed, all in, as all’s jake, yet down’s a worry who worms about, & slips to chased hounds, them’s an all, or awe, we know? A hingesound and weallfallup.

Undone. Out’s blacker. Praying’s a hardly’s sought job. Together’ed or tethered, are we not? Lord. Lordy. Lord. I’m outta number-oneing ideas. Put the out in black, and we’re shiftering slightly slighted. No person is a gun’na care less I’m a tied loose-trained & hung for postcard’s pictures. A sighs loose begins to furl. Me? Some body to hurl dirt on, not once twined to joy’s country. Twelve miles to and from. No gas where’s all the yous can’t go, spilled blood’s oil’s concretedreams. For all the blacker jays of f’s okay. All thy wills, nearer hand’s never held, a rifle’s as just never’s well, be done for. We all here, compromised & expendable, who seek to upset tries of damn’s god for mississippi’s sake. See, this land’s a goner, sea-to-polished-dark, and we’ve lazed back uncounted, booted, sad-lashed bigbrowneyes for the morrows mends never made. To be, to be, to be, a-alright’s e already, okay’d beyond the great & the bad & the conquering bootsole of it all. People, they should’a listenup more. People. Blamed truant, pawned for a sigh, gush-- ing-or-out-- pro’d to every con sang in chains, trailed’trained’trippedover, yepped it’all back home-like, or named bound free-at-last, already. god’s hooks pry out’s business as staggering backshot halts-- driveway stains notwithstanding-- joint’ed luck gone for hemisphere’s of sorrow’s bleakest garden plot, dusted to ne’er turn away, rerunned to pardon’s tune, and we(themthat)gun fourscored to speak soft’s leeward gait, uncrowded cowards plea’bargain(again)against the rumpled brow(or)beaten nature-- weherewhofindtimetoforgivelestallwe’vegotturnswhisperedtoforgot.